Friday, 1 April 2016

March 31 and April 1st - quiet days.......and Lachlan's timeline

A couple of quiet days for us in Marseille.  With our limited French we worked out that on March 31st there was going to be strikes on public transport due to changes with French labour laws - our French did not stretch enough to understand how these strikes would affect us.

Karl headed off to work as normal, however was home about 30 minutes later as they had closed the metro! He found an Australian guy who helped him understand what was going on - the Australian who has been in Marseille for three years knew there were strikes that would disrupt travel but never before had the metro as a whole been closed. Working from home day for Karl.

Connor and I headed off to explore while Lachlan did some school work research on the history of Marseille compared to the history of New Zealand. He really enjoyed doing this and plans to do others for other cities we go to - thanks for the suggestion Suzanne from RSS.  He did it all himself, Karl just had to show him how to use powerpoint and set up the design - great job!

Connor and I did some school reading by a 12 century church and by the fort and took photos to add to his school blog - seesaw.
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On our walk home we went a different way for fun and came across a clear shot of our building and so we texted Karl and Loki and got them to open the window
This is our apartment - we are in the middle section on the left - by the lift shaft on the 5th floor - easy to work out if you count downward!   Our window is open - our apartment is five lots of windows wide..........
During Karls' lunchbreak we went to explore a little museum on our street - the above are the details and below a picture of Lachlan there.   


  1. Your timeline comparison is very informative Lokie, it certainly makes you think differently about New Zealand, doesn't it? I will look forward to seeing presentations on other cities/countries and the connections you make along the way. Great work!

  2. Awesome timeline Lokie! You should teach me how to use Powerpoint to do that someday ;) I need to catch up haha.
