Today the family heading out exploring close to home - using our feet to explore.
Firstly we headed off to get Lachlan some jeans as he ripped his only pair of trousers.........great prices though - got Lachlan his jeans for 10 euros and Connor a French soccer shirt for 5 euros!
We then headed off to the vege/fruit/meat market for the experience of chaos and then to the opera theatre and to look at other older buidings.
It was then time to go to the Nespresso sport and head home for coffee.
As you wander, you find these little shops in very beautiful but random places - very cool. |
We wonder what you think - has Connor grown significantly over recent weeks - or is this door rather small! |
The building behind the boys is Hotel de Cabre - it was one of the only buidings spared during the German bombings of 1943 and when the district was reconstructed it was mounted on jacks and completed turned by 90 degrees (this was in 1954).. |
This signed caught our attention on our walk - as you can read - in 1943 250 Marseille families including men, women and children were rounded up by the Gestapo Police and taken to the gas chambers in Auschwich. |
The opera house- rebuilt in 1924 after a fire ravaged it in 1919. Opera is very popular in Marseille and has been something that brought together all the classes of peoples in the area. |
This building is known as the diamond house! |
The boys and some random pots in the middle of a large square called Potton Square - they are oversized olive pots at the Rue du Lacydon near the town hall. You can see the boats and water in the background and Karl is holding a Nespresso bag which has our coffee in it! Yum! Nespresso is cheap over here - a box of 10 coffees for 3.50 Euros..............
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