We arrived at 6am Hong Kong time which was 12noon NZ time. We had no problems getting through customs and found the right taxi (Red Urban) to take us to our hotel - The Garden Hotel, North Point, Hong Kong Island. This was a pretty hair-raising experience - driving is pretty crazy in Hong Kong and there was hardly any traffic - there were also lots of toll roads and tunnels. Connor began to feel sick again - luckily I had taken one of the extra AirNZ sick bags and he held that for the ride which was about 30 minutes. As soon as we arrived at the hotel he jumped out and sat on the kerb. There was traffic everywhere by this point; I was trying to take care of him; not get vomit around the hotel; get our bags; pay the taxi in weird money - was wishing I had another adult at this point!
Above: Hong Kong Airport and the boys sitting outside our hotel.
Once Connor felt a little better we went inside to check in. We checked our bags in and were taking to the concierge when I realised we were missing our laptop - uh oh! Checked around and it was not there - realised in the chaos we must have left it in the taxi! Argh! - Long story short laptop got found and brought back by taxi driver later in the day - phew! Reward was given!
We upgraded our room to a suite which meant we could access it straight away at 7.30am rather than the 3 pm check in. Not really in the plan but meant Connor could get some sleep before we met a friend at 10.30am and we could chill given our stressful arrival.
What an adventure! So pleased that the laptop found it's way back to you - someone was watching over you...